Ursuline Academy

Ursuline Academy

Ursuline Academy gave me solace in the chaos of the COVID-19 pandemic and the opportunities that continuously molded my leadership style into an empathetic and resilient one. Ursuline Academy taught me the importance of sisterhood and the value of supporting one another through tough times.

Junior Ring Ceremony


STEM Sister

My nature of curiosity led me to the doorsteps of STEM. My love for science grew when I discovered the limitless exploration involved. After taking AP Biology, AP Chemistry, and Biotechnology and Microbiology Honors, I understood that science is more than textbook concepts- it’s all around us. I was one of two students invited to represent STEM and deliver bite-sized information to advocate and amplify STEM at Ursuline Academy.

Mock Trial

Never had I ever thought about being a closing attorney in a case about COVID-19 State Restrictions. I wanted to challenge myself and explore beyond what I had been comfortable with. Mock Trial allowed me to break barriers, teaching me critical thinking and cohesive presentation. After being selected to play a Closing Attorney on the Varsity Gold Mock Trial Team, my team won the trial.

Hands in Harmony Leadership

Hands in Harmony is the overarching leadership for all Diversity and Inclusion clubs (for example, Black Student Union). Hands in Harmony also plans all-school events to raise awareness about different cultures.

Writing Center Tutor

As a Writing Center Tutor, I helped other Ursuline Academy students with their writing assignments within and outside of school. This helped me understand my writing style and gave me the opportunity to practice writing.

UAU Ambassador

UAU (Ursuline Academy United) is an honor to Ursuline students as it gives students the opportunity to represent Ursuline to prospective families. Planning events, something I wasn’t familiar with before, became a tool in my role.

Lion’s Roar Opinions Writer

Lion’s Roar, the school newspaper, gave me an opportunity to write about topics that I was passionate about. This experience honed the stylistic choices that made my editorials impactful to the community.

Enguinity FTC Leadership

Enguinity became a place where I could showcase my superpower of coding and bond with other Ursuline students. As leadership, I helped other students find passion within the art of robotics.

Lunar New Year Leadership

After CIRS, I multiplied my love for exploring new cultures. Planning Lunar New Year events helped me understand the ancient traditions of those who celebrate and paved the way for me to share these facts with my school community.

Christmas Hope

The intersection between CIRS and Ursuline Academy was the concentration in community service. CIRS ignited the spark of serving others, Ursuline Academy added fuel. Selected as one of two grade leaders for the Christmas Hope project, we helped crowdsource Christmas gifts for those who can’t afford them.

Annual Christmas Jingle

The Christmas Jingle is one of the most awaited events at Ursuline Academy. As a battle between the grades, 6 students choreograph a lipsync routine. Though I didn’t go into the experience thinking about anything other than “what Christmas song do I use”, I came out with much more. I understood the importance of teamwork and using each member’s strengths to put together a final product. I also learned the importance of empathy and how it’s okay to dance like a reindeer in front of the whole school.